A single match can start a roaring fire.

Last night was awesome.  
We attended worship at our church ( New Life Church ) where Jesus Culture played live. 
 During the song ( Show me your Glory ) I was reminded of Matthew 24:30.
I couldn't stop thinking of that verse as the song so sweetly spoke to my soul.
As I stood there in HIS presence and mediated on HIS word, I was reminded that I belong to HIM and while here on earth I have work to do. 
 I felt like He was telling me it only takes a single match to start a roaring fire. 
I am a single person (a single match) that can start a roaring fire of people who are passionate for Jesus.
As Christians we can all be the spark that ignites fire.
This morning Pastor Brady Boyd preached on Acts Chapter One.
 He explained how its good to acknowledge that there will be a day of the Fathers coming but not fixate our lives on it.  
God wants us to write our story here on earth while sharing our testimony to His glory.

"God is AUTHORITY but he gives us POWER." Pastor Brady Boyd

Lets be the spark that spreads HIS roaring fire. 


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