Good Friday
Happy Good Friday Friends.
Your never too old for an Easter Basket right.
Here are a few pretties that ended up in my basket while shopping for the kiddos.
Essie polish color: {a crewed interest}
A new journal with the perfect inspiration {do what you LOVE}
And a pair of lace leggings. I found these cuties at target for 5 bucks.
What I wore today..
A flowy feminine dress.
This is my new favorite way to wear a dress; layered.
Either with a sweater or shirt.
Today was super windy (one of my least favorite things about Colorado) so I wore a sweater.
I bought both the dress and sweater at Forever 21 awhile back.
Below is our first attempt to capture my outfit.
Tumbleweed anyone?
So we moved our photo shoot inside.
It was a Good day.
It is a "GOOD Friday" indeed,
Not only because I made myself a little Easter basket.
Not only because I love layering tops over dresses.
Not only because it is opening day for the Giants.
But because today is the day our Lord laid down his life for us.
1 John 3:16
We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us.
So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.
Thank you Jesus for giving us a chance to be FREE.
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