He doesn't always want us to be comfortable.

 Sometimes we have to trust that God puts us in certain situations for a reason and he doesn't always want us to be comfortable in those situations.  Tonight was one of those nights from the moment we parked the truck.  It took us a few minutes to un load the kids while my husband and I sat there looking at each other as we hesitated to get out.  Directly behind us there was a man obviously on drugs getting in and out of his car, protestors on the corner wearing scary masks, homeless sleeping on benches, and many other things I was not use to being around.  The reason we were there was to be a part of a outreach group called "pizza and prayer;" a time to feed the homeless, pray for them and talk to them about God.  This all sounds so easy until we had to push our children into the crowded park and a feeling of fear overcomes my spirit while all I can notice is the darkness.  I was uncomfortable and scared,  everything in me wanted to turn around and head straight for the truck.  Jesus Jesus Jesus that is all I could chant over and over in my head trying to give myself some sort of comfort.  I know he wanted me to be there, I know he calls his servants to love the poor and homeless, I know he wants us to share his love with the unsaved so what was I so worried about?  Why was I letting to spirit of fear stand between me and God?  Maybe because I had my kids with me; I really don't know but what I do know is he wants us to be his light especially in the darkness.

This evening was a little different form the usual pizza and prayer because tonight they were having a prophetic wedding in the park.  Everyone who was there was invited to witness and be a part of the celebration,  we were not aware of this until we got there.   We made our way through the crowd and noticed all the outreach team setting up tables, chairs, and everything that normally is set up for a wedding ceremony.  This is comforting I thought to myself, I love doing set up for weddings but have never been part of a prophetic wedding in an environment like this.  It was easy to jump in and help in a way we were so familiar with.  As the set up was completed the line for the pizza grew longer and longer maybe 100-200 people.  Before the people were served the lady in charge took the stage and wanted to bless the food and share God's word.  She explained how the wedding that was about to take place had an open invitation for anyone who wanted to witness and be part of the celebration.  She explained how Jesus has given everyone an open invitation to a wedding in which He is the groom and we are all the bride.  Jesus wants us to except the invitation to the wedding but also by accepting we need to except him into our lives.  The same way we rsvp to a wedding, by accepting Jesus we are rsvp'ing in the Lambs Book of Life.  Once we have done this we will be accepted to join in all of the wedding events such as the feast with the Father and all of our fellow believers.   The reason this is so relevant is that Jesus not only loves us all as Father but also as a loving husband who watches out for us and cares for us in a deep loving way.  I thought it was an amazing way to share the love of Jesus not only to the homeless but to all of us.  Her words touched me and I know they touched Ryden as well when he looked over at me and said "Mommy why did Jesus die on the cross?" He asks this question often and it gives me a happy heart to know he is recognizing what Jesus did for us.

I may not be 100% comfortable taking my children into certain environments but God's light and love shines if we have faith in HIM and are obedient to his word.  I think we may visit an elderly home or orphanage next though just to switch it up a little :)

Blessings Apryle


  1. Wow. I'm pretty sure I would have ran back to the trucks :/ Thanks for sharing- your journey is going to change your life but affect us as well. : ) Keep sharing!!

  2. Awesome post!! That took such bravery to take them there, I am not sure I could have done that but I am glad that it was such a great experience. Love you guys!!!!

  3. Be blessed today. Thank you for sharing. I know it was difficult and that God saw you through.


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