Our little Musician

Learning with Music

He is the little person on stage wearing green. Ryden is playing his guitar during his Daddy's worship practice.

A little tangas

Ryden and his cousin practicing the piano.

First drum set.

Playing with a stranger in the park to Jesus Loves me.
From a young age your child will shine through certain interests in their lives. With my son I have noticed from the newborn stage music soothed him, whether it was in the car or his Daddy singing him to sleep. As he grew into a toddler he was instantly interested in instruments and singing, lately I am realizing this will be a tool I can use to help him learn. This past weekend my sister in law was up and we discussed his recent interest in letters, the days of the week and telling time. She has a degree in teaching and therefore gave me a few helpful tips, one of them being singing catchy songs.  Yesterday I noticed little man singing the days of the week song and then asked me " Mommy what day is it?" I told him it was Wednesday and then he says "so tomorrow is Thursday?" Wow just a small catchy song and like that he knows the days of the week.  So what I am trying to get at is that every child is different and you have to find what works best for each child as an individual.  I have noticed one of Ryden's little friends who is the same age being very talented at drawing pictures. This is completely different from Ryden, he has no interest in drawing or coloring although I still try to encourage him to do so. For Ryden's little buddy art, pictures, and so on will probably help him learn. I think I have found ONE of the many tools for helping Ryden learn, try and find your child's nitch and make learning fun for them:)


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