The heart of worship.
Do you remember your first kiss with your husband? I do and no matter what my husband may say he WAS 18. You see we met in August of 2004 and he turned 18 in September, he loves to tell people that when we first met he was 17 and I was 21. It sounds so good for him but not so good for me:) My babe and I crossed paths at our town’s community college and this is where our story began. Along the way our relationship hit some pot holes but in the end “God blessed the broken road” and we are now happily married, raising a family, and serving GOD.
Seven years have passed since we first met and we now have two sweet babies and everyday I strive to be a better wife. I must admit there are days that I could probably serve him better (my husband and the Lord) but with each passing day my love grows deeper and stronger. I know I need to encourage him more in what the Lord ordained him to be, the leader and the provider. Providing for our family comes as second nature to him, he is a very hard worker just as he was raised to be. The leader role has opened my eyes and heart these past few weeks. I am in awe over the gifts the Lord has given to my husband and how he is using them to serve God. This past Sunday he lead worship at our church but I missed it because I was serving my time by working down in the nursery. Sunday was kind of long crazy day to say the least and when Monday rolled around I was still exhausted from the day before and had little sleep. As I got in the truck to take my husband his lunch one kid was crying while the other was whining about something. Then the phone rings, it was my husband calling just to say hello and see how our morning was going. My heart is now HAPPY, I love it when he takes time out of his day to let me know he is thinking of us. Next I pop in the cd from Sunday and both kids instantly stop crying and whining as their Daddy’s voice comes through the speakers. My spirits were lifted and my mind was re directed to the Lord. Its funny how music can change your thoughts so quickly.
That night as we lay in bed I told my husband he was lucky to have so many wonderful gifts, he is very talented musically. I pondered the thought as I lay there and thought wow not only is he lucky but this is also a huge responsibility. A husband is appointed to Lead his family to the Lord but God has given him gifts to Lead so many others to the Lord through the heart of worship. The next morning while reading my daily devotional it had this verse; Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3. This was the moment I realized that my role as his wife needs to be 100% supportive and I must surrender my life to God. I need to pay more attention to the ends that need to be met on my side of this relationship between the three of us. The heart of worship is to surrender!!!!!!!!!!!!! The verse in Romans 6:13 says “ surrender your whole being to him and be used for righteous purposes.” I want to surrender my all to God and my husband. I believe by doing this great things are bound to happen. For two musical instruments to have complete unison there must be constant adjusting and tuning. The same must be done with a marriage. For perfect harmony to take place we need to be willing to adjust things as the Lord opens closes new doors in our marriage and life. I pray for souls to be saved and our purpose here on earth be met according to Gods will. I strive to serve God, support and love my husband unconditionally, and raise up healthy happy children that love Jesus. The gifts that my husband have been given have changed my heart and mind this week in many ways. I must have listened to that cd 20 times and each time surrendered my heart to God a little more.
I love how the Lord prepared both of your hearts for what He has called you to do. I enjoy every day, watching you guys raise your eyes toward heaven for direction, correction, love and support.
ReplyDeleteMay God abundantly bless your servant's heart.